Bedini's Zero Force Motor - Full Disclosure Now Available
Published: Tue, 07/18/17
Here is a historical release - a FULL DISCLOSURE on John Bedini's Zero Force Motor to the general public for the first time ever!
Yaro Stanchak delivered this historical presentation at the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference and allowed anyone that wanted to examine his demonstration unit. He shared his insights into the character of the machine, a lot of data with graphs and scope shots and other important information necessary to build it correctly.
Included in this package is:
- 1 hour 55 minute MP4 video presentation by Yaro Stanchak
- 52 page PDF of the PowerPoint presentation used by Yaro for his talk
- 88 page PDF e-Book compilation of ZFM related posts by John Bedini, Peter Lindemann and others with John's lab notes that have never been shown to the public until the conference
- 3 ZFM demonstration videos by John Bedini
You're getting 100% of the information necessary to replicate John's Zero Force Motor correctly! There are some builders online posting their ZFM "replications" based on what they saw in John's demo videos over the last two years, but 100% of them got it wrong.
Our hope is that you will build one and share it online and help us make this as popular as the Bedini SG!
The ZMF is a highly efficient motor, with some anomalous behavior and there is a lot to learn. John Bedini kept this very close to his chest for good reason but we know that towards the end, he was moving towards disclosing it anyway and this is the best we can do to honor his wishes.
A & P
p.s. The Gold Magnet presentation by Jeff Moe will be released on Thursday.