Aether Physics Notebooks available now

Published: Tue, 02/09/16


This E-book is a compilation of Notebooks 4 & 5 out of a 5-part series.  4 & 5 are being released first because not only do they stand alone, they highlight the work of J.J. Thomson and Charles Proteus Steinmetz.

After Eric Dollard’s presentation of The Power of the Aether as Related to Music & Electricity, which was delivered at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, more work relating to J.J. Thomson was requested since the presentation ended with an overview of the clarified Thomson equations, which are foundational to the study of the Physics of the Aether.

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Thomson is credited with the discovery of the electron, but it was his studies into the Aether physics and the Faraday Tubes, which led him to that discovery. Much of this history is covered up and discarded in conventional material and these notebooks delve into this history.

Thomson also had the most quantitative theory of an electrified theory and this is what Dollard is expanding upon in these notebooks.

The 5-part notebook series is an extension of the presentation that he gave at the 2014 Energy Science & Technology Conference called The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson, but it is available in a package with The Power of the Aether as Related to Music & Electricity because it ended with the J.J. Thomson equations.

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A & P

p.s. Some of you had trouble registering for the conference, the link is fixed and there are only 71 seats left - will be updating that on the site as well as another speakers presentation asap: