* CORRECT LINKS * Free Water Powered Jet Engine and the other

Published: Mon, 02/08/16

TOPICS Hi Peter,

We normally don't have new releases this early in the year but this month, there are three scheduled and one of them isn't even ours - we'll explain soon...


There is more misinformation online about Stan Meyer's water fuel technology that almost any other "overunity" technology ever mentioned. Many enthusiasts are sidetracked by self-appointed experts who are constantly getting newbies to focus on high voltage separation of water, resonant circuits and other water splitting circuit aspects, but none of this has anything to do with what Stan Meyer was originally doing to create his on-demand synthetic water fuel. Not only has this put over 99% of the entire water fuel field that focuses on Meyer's technology down the wrong road, they violently deny the facts when they're presented.

You can read what the truth is and for the first time, I'm taking a lot of excerpts that I compiled in Water Fuel Secrets and I'm laying it out for everyone to see with their own eyes. If you want to get a copy of that work, you can get it here: http://www.emediapress.com/go.php?offer=&pid=13

That book & video makes it easy for people, but if you're determined, you can find all these references and more if you just search what I openly posted here: http://emediapress.com/2016/02/07/stan-meyers-real-original-water-fuel-method/

I also posted for the first time, an excerpt from my Water Fuel Secrets presentation where I showed my jet engine running on mostly water and a small trace of propane - I've made references to it before, but this is the first time it's openly posted - its on the above link.


On Tuesday, A & P (A & P Electronic Media) is launching Eric's new book. It is actually scanned images of notebooks 4 & 5 out of a 5 notebook set that is an extension to his presentation that he gave a couple years ago called Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson. These two notebooks focus on JJ Thompson and Steinmentz's work relating to the aether, matter and electricity. The book is not transcribed yet and is being released in scanned format of the original notebooks in order to expedite the release for Eric Dollard's benefit. EPD Laboratories needs to raise some funds to help pay for shelving that will store and organize the glom as well as benches for more experiments to be run by Eric. At a later time, we will release a transcribed version of the book.

There is a possibility that we can launch notebooks 1, 2 & 3 of the set by the end of the month. 4 & 5 are going to be released first since there is an overwhelming demand for more information on J.J. Thompson's work as decoded by Eric Dollard since his presentation The Power of the Aether as Related to Music & Electricity, which you can find here: http://www.emediapress.com/go.php?offer=&pid=68

There is a possibility that we will launch notebooks 4 & 5 on Tuesday and if not, then it may go out Thursday.


On the 16th of this month, we have a * SURPRISE RELEASE *. It is actually not a book package owned by A & P Electronic Media but is from someone who needed our help to get the material into an up to date format. It is an exciting topic with important information and is a * MUST HAVE * for any serious breakthrough energy enthusiast. This is all that can be said for now except that it is alluded to at the end of the blog post with the water powered jet engine video.

So far, only a very small percentage of people have ever heard of it and even fewer people have ever studied it. And as far as my research shows me, to date, nobody has made the connection between this work and the premise of Stan Meyer's original water fuel method and I'm excited to be able to point it out!


We have a new contest for 1 lucky winner who can receive free admission to the conference and a $400 cash prize. Read the details here: http://energyscienceconference.com/2016/02/07/contest-win-free-admission-to-the-2016-energy-conference/


There are 5 months left until the conference and already 50% of the seats are taken - there are only 75 left so you might want to read this: http://energyscienceconference.com/2016/02/07/only-75-seats-left/

A & P