Lone Pine Writings in PAPERBACK available now!

Published: Wed, 12/09/15

Hi ,

We have been swamped with demands to start making our publications available in hard copy, well, here you go!

Lone Pine Writings by Eric Dollard is finally in paperback and here at the details: http://emediapress.com/2015/12/09/lone-pine-writings-by-eric-dollard-available-in-paperback/

We're with Eric Dollard and Steve McGreevy and are recording some interviews, taking lots of pics, etc. Will be posting a lot of this as time permits. Today, I'm (Aaron) going out to the seismic detector transmission line to check on the progress and will post some pics and videos on that as well.

We also still have the 15-20% discount off of most models at http://teslachargers.com

We're also taking registrations for the 2016 Energy Conference so register early to ensure your seat - we'll be posting a more full schedule of all the speakers soon... http://energyscienceconference.com

More soon...

A & P