Eric Dollard & Paul Babcock's presentations

Published: Sun, 07/14/13

Hello , It's been a while since we've sent out any notices or newsletters but we've all been very busy with the Bedini-Lindemann 2013 Conference. It was an ABSOLUTE success in every way! The speakers were brilliant, the attendees learned a lot of very powerful information and a lot of new friendships were kindled. If you were at the conference, THANK YOU! It wouldn't have been possible without all of your support and participation. The first presentation that will be made available will be Paul Babcock's Part 2 presentation of Magnetic Energy Secrets. It is scheduled for release this week on Wednesday the 17th so we will be mailing out a link to that as soon as it is ready. Paul Babcock even described the working method of his motor and showed a video demo of it running. If you want to know how to eliminate virtually all back emf and learn of his method of how he and take the collapsing magnetic field of a coil when the power is turned off and use it to actually produce mechanical work, then this is a must have presentation! Next, Eric Dollard's presentation will be launching at the end of the month. We will release details on that as we can. If you ever found Eric Dollard's Four Quadrant Theory to be very difficult to understand, this presentation helps to bridge that gap by laying out the history of what led Eric to develop it to begin with using very simple analogies and concepts that most people can relate to. Listen to this interview of Eric Dollard - I interviewed him on July 6, 2013: There are some other things that we can't discuss right now, but stay tuned for some very exciting updates. Sincerely, A & P Electronic Media